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Factors That Make The Cost To Ship a Car

In this article, we are going to discuss the factors which make the cost to ship a car.

These factors include the distance of shipping car, vehicle type, movability of your car, transport type to ship your car, origination, and season to ship your car.

Now we explain these factors one by one


Distance between pick-up location and delivery location of your car is the most important factor in the shipping cost. The price to ship a car mainly depends on the distance. More distance of shipping vehicle make more expensive to ship your car. Most shipping companies decide the price to ship a car on a per-mile basis, and the cost-per-mile goes down on long distances. But on the other hand, short distances are the cheapest if ship your car without a per-mile pricing factor. With the per-mile factor, short distances make much price to ship a car.

Distance is the most important factor that make the price to ship a car.

Vehicle type

As a like distance, vehicle type is also the second most important factor in the price to ship a car. If your vehicle size is long, it requires more space on the truck. Because more space occupies your car on the truck, the price to ship a car also increases. If your vehicle size is small, it occupies less space on the truck. Because of getting low space, the price to ship a car also decreases.

Vehicle type is a factor in the cost of shipping

Movability of your car

The movability of your car means that the car is in moving condition or not. If your car does not start but still rolls, brakes are working, then a winch can be used to load and unload on the truck. Vehicles load on the truck via driving them, but that can not happen if a vehicle does not start. So because of this, it needs the effort of the driver more than normal shipping of a vehicle. If your vehicle is in moving condition with their power, so it decreases the price to ship a car.

Movability of your car is also a factor that make the price to ship a car.

Transport type to ship your car

Shipping companies have three types of transport.
1) Open transportation.
2) Enclosed transportation.
3) Flatbed transportation.

Open transportation is the best and cheapest way to ship a car. This transport type is often used for those cars, which are used daily.

On the other hand, enclosed transportation is the most expensive way to ship your car. This transport type is often used for those cars, which are expensive and do not use daily.

Flatbed transportation is also an expensive way to ship a car but this is an on-demand service. This service of shipping is often used for those cars, which are large and have heavyweight. So, vehicles that are large and heavyweight do not use open or enclosed transportation.


Big cities are more popular than rural cities. Most shipping carrier companies are in the big cities. So, because of this, they provide cheap car transport services to people who live in the major cities. The reason for cheap car transport services in major cities is that the pickup location and delivery location to ship your vehicle is within that city. So, origination is also a key factor in the cost of shipping.

Season to ship your car

The season is also a prime factor in the cost to ship your car. Fall and spring are examined as “Stable” seasons, while summer and winter are not stable seasons for the price to ship a car. In summer, the cost of shipping increases because the demand for shipping services also increases. So, the summer season rise the price of shipping a vehicle. On the other hand in the winter season, the demand for shipping services decreases. So, the price to ship a car is also reduced. That’s why the winter season will provide you the cheap car transport costs.

Standard cost per transport type

The top and effective transport type that peoples acquire is open transportation. Open transportation is the cheapest way to ship a car. Shipping carriers that provide open transportation services give you the shipping options for luxury cars, classic cars, and other custom vehicles.

Enclosed transportation is the most expensive type of shipping to ship your car. This transportation service is mostly used by those people who have the most expensive car. The price to ship a car of enclosed transportation is always greater to 400$-500$ more than the open transportation.

Flatbed transportation is usually used for those cars which are large and heavy. These cars can not load on the open transport truck or enclosed. This transportation type is also more costly than open transportation.

Ship your car with Ag Car Shipping

If you want to ship your car with the best shipping services, Ag Car Shipping is the top choice for this. Just visit our website and get free vehicle  shipping  quotes or you can also contact  us  at our toll-free number +1 (800) 706-5914. We  are  the  best  shipping broker in the United States. We provide cheap car transport services to our clients. Ship your car with us and get the best price to ship a car. So, book your car with us and get the best auto transport quotes.

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